Submission to the Quebec National Assembly on Bill-60
In response to the Parti Quebecois (PQ) government in Quebec introducing the so-called « Values Charter » in September 2013, the NCCM vigorously challenged the discriminatory and prejudicial nature of the proposed legislation – Bill 60. The PQ’s proposed Values Charter would have prohibited public employees from wearing religious clothing and would have limited access for religious-based accommodation in public services.
In December 2013, the NCCM made written submissions on Bill 60 to the Quebec National Assembly. The NCCM argued that the Values Charter would lead to institutional discrimination against Quebec Muslims (and other religious minorities) and further lead to their marginalization and social isolation in the long-term. The NCCM noted that the PQ government’s proposal had already reinforced negative stereotypes and has led to an increase in hate-motivated incidents.
You can read the NCCM’s submissions here: NCCM Submission on Bill-60 to Quebec NA
On April 7, 2014, the PQ lost the Quebec provincial election and Bill 60 died on the legislative agenda.