NCCM Condemns Horrific Terrorist Attacks on New Zealand Mosques
-For Immediate Release-
Urges increased security measures and precautions at Canadian mosques and Islamic centres
(Ottawa – March 15, 2019) The National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM), a prominent civil liberties and advocacy organization, condemns the devastating terrorist attacks on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, that claimed the lives of at least forty-nine Muslim worshippers and injured 48 more.
« We denounce in the strongest possible terms the hate-driven carnage inflicted on the Muslim community in New Zealand. We mourn for the lives of the men, women and children cruelly murdered as they worshipped. These attacks are yet another deeply disturbing indication that Islamophobia has deadly consequences for Muslim communities, » says NCCM Board Chair Kashif Ahmed.
The gunman was widely reported to have been inspired by Islamophobic, anti-immigrant, and white supremacist ideology, and openly idolized mass shooters including Alexandre Bissonnette, Anders Breivik, and others who have carried out attacks on Muslims in recent times.
« While some of our elected leaders sadly choose not to mention ‘Muslim’ or ‘mosque’ while denouncing the Christchurch attacks, the reality is that these horrific shootings and the Quebec City mosque attack on January 29, 2017, have left Canadian Muslim communities – and indeed, Muslims around the world – feeling very vulnerable and unsafe. It is therefore essential that our elected leaders speak out clearly and unequivocally against such attacks and name them for the Islamophobic terrorist attacks that they are, » says NCCM Executive Director Ihsaan Gardee.
« In the aftermath of this tragedy, we urge community institutions and mosques to step up security measures and precautions, particularly around times of congregational worship, » adds Gardee.
The NCCM’s Community Safety Guide is available for online and offers information on what mosque leaders can do to increase safety at their mosques.
The NCCM is an independent, non-partisan and non-profit organization that is a leading voice for Muslim civic engagement and the promotion of human rights.
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