Briefs & Submissions

Submission to the Quebec National Assembly on Bill-60

In response to the Parti Quebecois (PQ) government in Quebec introducing the so-called "Values Charter" in September 2013, the NCCM vigorously challenged the discriminatory and prejudicial nature of the proposed legislation - Bill 60. The PQ’s proposed Values Charter would have prohibited public employees from wearing religious clothing and would have limited access for religious-based accommodation in public services. In December 2013, the NCCM made written submissions on Bill 60 to the Quebec National Assembly. The NCCM argued that the Values Charter would lead to ...

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NCCM at the Supreme Court of Canada in Harkat case

The National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) is pleased to announce that the organization is an intervener in a major case - Mohamed Harkat v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration et al - before the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC). In July 2013, the SCC granted the NCCM intervener status in the Harkat case, along with other interested parties. Interveners are allowed to submit written arguments as well present oral arguments to the Court during the case's hearing. The Harkat case involves the controversial "security certificate" system under the Immigration and ...

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