Mosque shooting: Relief at the guilty verdict, but the grief remains strong

Montreal Gazette | March 28, 2018

QUEBEC — For the Muslim community in Quebec City and the families of the many victims, Alexandre Bissonnette’s guilty pleas brought a measure of relief Wednesday.

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“You have to take (his denial of Islamophobia) with a grain of salt, and you have to wonder about that,” said Ihsaan Gardee, executive director of the National Council of Canadian Muslims. “He deliberately chose a mosque, a place of worship, to go in and attack a group of unarmed civilians, essentially shooting them in the back as they were standing in prayer. He admitted to his guilt to several first-degree murder charges as well as other charges, so you have to question that, and I think many in the community will question that.

“There are a lot of unanswered questions.”

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