400+ Canadian Organizations Call for Canada to Take Action on the Recent Atrocities that have Developed in Palestine

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau,

The past few months have seen only increasing horror as the people of Gaza continue to suffer ethnic cleansing at the hands of Israeli forces in what the ICJ calls a “plausible genocide”. Over 30,000 Palestinians have died in Gaza since last October.

Canadians of every race, religion, and creed throughout our country have been deeply affected by the loss of all innocent life, including the tens of thousands of civilians in Gaza who have fallen victim to the collective punishment imposed upon them by the Netanyahu government. Millions more are at risk of death due to indiscriminate bombardment, the targeting of hospitals, systematic starvation, and the proposed military operation in Rafah that Canada, Australia and New Zealand have noted would be catastrophic.

The recent motion passed by the House of Commons, triggered by the NDP motion, recognized that some actions must be taken in response to these war crimes perpetrated by the Netanyahu government. For example: halting further weapons to Israel, imposing sanctions on extremist settlers, and recognition of the role of the International Criminal Court in this regard.

Three important developments have happened since the passage of the motion.

  1. The Netanyahu government has continued to wage war on innocent civilians, and continues to staunchly reiterate its desire to attack Rafah, something that the international community has condemned in unison. The IDF has also continued to target health care and humanitarian aid workers, which recently culminated in the destruction of Al Shifa Hospital and the killing of a Canadian citizen;
  2. UN Security Council Resolution 2728 « demanded an immediate ceasefire » for the rest of Ramadan « respected by all parties leading to a lasting sustainable ceasefire ». According to international law, a resolution of the Security Council is binding on all UN member and non-member observer states. This includes Israel and Palestine.
  3. In a unanimous decision, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) said Israel had to act « without delay » to allow the « provision… of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance ».

Despite a UN Security Council resolution and another ICJ ruling, extremist right wing elements within the Netanyahu government and his war cabinet continue to defy international law, our rules based order, and continue the commission of war crimes against the Palestinian people.

Canada must respond decisively to these recent developments.

Therefore, today, we the undersigned are asking Canada to move swiftly on the following:

  1. Impose directed Magnitsky and IRPA sanctions on the Netanyahu war cabinet in response to their clear contraventions of international law, including UN Security Council Resolution 2728. This is consistent with how Canada has responded to other breaches of international law, including most recently in response to human rights breaches by Putin and supportive oligarchs. It is also consistent with Canada’s already declared intention to impose sanctions on settlers and impose a weapons embargo. Lastly, it is consistent with the calls of over 700 leading Israeli human rights activists calling for the Netanyahu war cabinet to be sanctioned to prevent further human rights abuses.
  2. Immediately recognize Palestinian statehood. The State of Palestine is recognized by 139 (72%) of 193 UN member states. It is clear that Netanyahu and his cabinet have rejected any possibility of Canada’s long-standing position on the two-state solution. Canada cannot and must not wait anymore for the largesse of an extremist government. Canada has long recognized the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, and therefore recognizing Palestinian statehood is consistent with Canada’s position and absolutely necessary at this critical time to help set a course toward a just resolution.
  3. Given the explosion of anti-Palestinian hate, Canada must move to officially recognize the Anti-Palestinian Racism in the upcoming Anti-Racism Strategy and an Action Plan on Combatting Hate.
  4. Recruitment by the Israeli Defence Forces on Canadian soil must end. Canadians cannot be allowed to participate in an army that is engaged in active war crimes. Therefore, like France, Canada must take immediate steps to clearly announce that there is no room for participation in a military that the ICJ has noted is engaging in a “plausible genocide”.




Cher Premier Ministre Trudeau,

Ces derniers mois n’ont fait qu’accentuer l’horreur alors que le peuple de Gaza continue de subir un nettoyage ethnique aux mains des forces israéliennes, ce que la CIJ qualifie de « génocide plausible ». Plus de 30 000 Palestiniens sont morts à Gaza depuis octobre dernier.

Les Canadiens de toutes races, religions et croyances à travers notre pays ont été profondément affectés par la perte de toute vie innocente, y compris les dizaines de milliers de civils à Gaza qui sont devenus victimes de la punition collective imposée par le gouvernement Netanyahu. Des millions d’autres sont en danger de mort en raison de bombardements indiscriminés, du ciblage d’hôpitaux, de la famine systématique et de l’opération militaire proposée à Rafah que le Canada, l’Australie et la Nouvelle-Zélande ont noté serait catastrophique.

La récente motion adoptée par la Chambre des communes, déclenchée par la motion du NPD, a reconnu que des actions doivent être entreprises en réponse à ces crimes de guerre perpétrés par le gouvernement Netanyahu. Par exemple : arrêter la fourniture d’armes à Israël, imposer des sanctions aux colons extrémistes et reconnaître le rôle de la Cour pénale internationale à cet égard.

Trois développements importants se sont produits depuis l’adoption de la motion.

  1. Le gouvernement Netanyahu continue de faire la guerre aux civils innocents et réaffirme fermement son désir d’attaquer Rafah, ce que la communauté internationale a condamné à l’unisson. Les FDI ont également continué à cibler les travailleurs de la santé et de l’aide humanitaire, ce qui a récemment abouti à la destruction de l’hôpital Al Shifa et à la mort d’un citoyen canadien.


  1. La résolution 2728 du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies « a exigé un cessez-le-feu immédiat » pour le reste du ramadan « respecté par toutes les parties conduisant à un cessez-le-feu durable et durable ». Selon le droit international, une résolution du Conseil de sécurité est contraignante pour tous les États membres et observateurs non membres de l’ONU. Cela inclut Israël et la Palestine.
  2. Par une décision unanime, la Cour internationale de justice (CIJ) a déclaré qu’Israël devait agir « sans délai » pour permettre la « fourniture… des services de base et de l’aide humanitaire d’urgence nécessaires ».

Malgré une résolution du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies et une autre décision de la CIJ, des éléments extrémistes de droite au sein du gouvernement Netanyahu et de son cabinet de guerre continuent de défier le droit international, notre ordre basé sur des règles, et continuent de commettre des crimes de guerre contre le peuple palestinien.

Le Canada doit répondre de manière décisive à ces développements récents.

Par conséquent, aujourd’hui, nous, soussignés, demandons au Canada d’agir rapidement sur les points suivants :

  1. Imposer des sanctions Magnitsky et IRPA dirigées contre le cabinet de guerre de Netanyahu en réponse à ses claires violations du droit international, y compris la résolution 2728 du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies.Cela est conforme à la manière dont le Canada a réagi à d’autres violations du droit international, y compris récemment en réponse aux atteintes aux droits de l’homme par Poutine et les oligarques soutenants. Cela est également conforme à l’intention déjà déclarée du Canada d’imposer des sanctions aux colons et d’imposer un embargo sur les armes. Enfin, cela est conforme aux appels de plus de 700 militants israéliens des droits de l’homme appelant à ce que le cabinet de guerre de Netanyahu soit sanctionné pour éviter de nouvelles violations des droits de l’homme.
  2. Reconnaître immédiatement l’État palestinien.L’État de Palestine est reconnu par 139 (72 %) des 193 États membres de l’ONU. Il est clair que Netanyahu et son cabinet ont rejeté toute possibilité de la position de longue date du Canada sur la solution à deux États. Le Canada ne peut pas et ne doit plus attendre la générosité d’un gouvernement extrémiste. Le Canada reconnaît depuis longtemps le droit du peuple palestinien à l’autodétermination, et donc la reconnaissance de l’État palestinien est conforme à la position du Canada et absolument nécessaire en ce moment critique pour aider à tracer une voie vers une résolution juste.
  3. Compte tenu de l’explosion de la haine anti-palestinienne, le Canada doit passer à reconnaître officiellement le racisme anti-palestiniendans la prochaine stratégie antiraciste et un plan d’action de lutte contre la haine.
  4. Le recrutement par les Forces de défense israéliennes sur le sol canadien doit cesser.Les Canadiens ne peuvent pas être autorisés à participer à une armée qui se livre à des crimes de guerre actifs. Par conséquent, comme la France, le Canada doit prendre des mesures immédiates pour annoncer clairement qu’il n’y a pas de place pour la participation à une armée que la CIJ a notée comme étant engagée dans un « génocide plausible ».


Endorsed by/Supporté par:


National Council of Canadian Muslims

Abo-Ther Alghafari Mosque
Abu Bakr Islamic Centre
Abu Huraira Center
Afghan Canadian Islamic Community
Agincourt Muslim Religious Association
Ahl-ill Bait Islamic Organization
Ajyal Islamic Centre
Akram Jomaa Islamic Centre
Al Abrar Muslim Association
Al Aqsa Musallah
Al Arqam Islamic Center
Al Falah Center (Edmonton)
Al Falah Islamic Community Center
Al Huda Institute
Al Rashid Mosque
Al Rayan Islamic Center – Courtice masjid
Al Salam centre
Al Zahra Islamic centre
Al-Barakah Masjid
Al-Ghazali Centre
Al-Hedaya Islamic Centre
Al-Madinah Calgary Islamic Assembly
Al-Masjid Al-Jamia Vancouver
Al-Nadwa Education Islamic Center
Al-Rashid Mosque
Al-Tawakal Musallah
Alberta Muslim Society Association
AlFaruq Mosque
Algerian Association Amana
Aljamia Masjed
Alliance of Educators for Muslim Students (AEMS)
Alliston Islamic Center
Alnoor Islamic Centre
Alsalam mosque
Anatolia Islamic Centre
Anjuman-E Anwarul Islam of Malton (Malton Masjid)
Anti-Racism Coalition NL
Ar Rahman Islamic Organization
Ar-Rabbaniyah Foundation for Islamic Studies Canada
Ar-Rashaad Centre
Ar-Rehman Islamic Center
Arab Palestine Association in Ontario
Asian Canadian Educators Network
Assiddq Islamic Center
Association Belagir
Association des étudiants musulmans de l’UdeM
Association Musulmane de Lachine
Association of Progressive Dawoodi Bohras of Ontario
Assunnah Muslims Association
Az Zahraa Islamic Centre
Bait Ul Mukarram Islamic Society
Barrie Mosque
Bathurst United Church
BC Muslim Association
Bosniak Educational Society Of British Columbia
Bosnian Islamic Centre of Hamilton
Bramalea Islamic Cultural Centre
Brampton Islamic Centre
Brampton Jamatkhana
Brampton Sunnatul Islamic Association
Burnaby Masjid
Calgary Immigrant Support Society
Calgary Islamic Centre
Cambridge Islamic center
Camrose Muslim Community
Canada Palestine Association – Halifax

Canadian Association for the Study of Islam and Muslims
Canadian Council of Imams
Canadian Council of Indian Muslims
Canadian Council of Muslim Woman Waterloo-Wellington
Canadian Council of Muslim Women
Canadian Council of Muslim Women Montreal
Canadian Jerrahi Sufi Order
Canadian Muslim Civil Liberties Association
Canadian Muslim for Peace and Justice
Canadian Muslim Healthcare Network
Canadian Muslims for Palestine
Canadian Muslims for Peace and Justice
Canadian Palestinian Association of Manitoba
Canadian Sufi Cultural Centre
Canadian Youth Development Center
Canadians Against Oppression And Persecution(CAOP)
Capilano University MSA
Carleton University Muslim Student Association
Center for Uyghur Studies
Central Toronto Islamic Foundation
Centre Aliman
Centre Assalam Laval
Centre Belagir
Centre Communautaire Essalam
Centre Culturel Islamique De La Mauricie
Centre culturel Islamique de Lanaudière
Centre Islamique de L’Outaouais
Centre Khaled Ben Walid
Centre Rayan
Change for Good Toronto
Chatham Islamic centre
Cloverdale-Langley for Palestine
Coalition of Canadian Palestinian Organisations
Cowichan Valley Islamic Society
Danforth Islamic Centre
Dar Al-Elm
Dar Al-Tawheed Islamic Centre
Darul Falah Centre
Darul Hijra Islamic Center
Darul Khair Center Stouffville
Darus’Salam Mosque
Dawah Canada uOttawa
Deaf Muslims of Canada
DEEN Support Services
Douglas Students Union MSA
Dufferin Muslim Centre
Durham Muslim Alliance
Enlightened Path Institute
Faizan-e-Madina Edmonton Community Centre
Fleetwood Islamic centre
Fredericton Islamic Association
Friends for Peace Maple Ridge
Friends of Palestine Canada
George Town – Masjid Uthman
Ghadir Cultural and Educational Centre
Girl Up Palestine
Global Care for Humanity Saskatoon
Guelph Masjid
Guildford Islamic Cultural Center
Halton Islamic Association
Halton Muslim Youth Association
Hamilton Downtown Mosque
Hamilton Mountain Mosque
Hazrat Bilal Islamic Center
Help The Hungry
Hikma Public Affairs Council
Human Concern International
Human Rights for All
Hussaini Association of Calgary-Canada
Huttonville Mosque
Ibrahim Jame Mosque
Ibrahim Masjid
Icna Sisters Cambridge
ICNA Sisters Canada
Ilmster Seminars
Imam e Azam Musalla Brampton
Independent Jewish Voices – Winnipeg
International Muslims Organization of Toronto
Islamic Academy of Markham
Islamic Association of Bosniaks BC
Islamic Association of North West Calgary
Islamic Association Of Nova Scotia
Islamic Association of Saskatchewan
Islamic Center of Quebec
Islamic Centre of Cambridge
Islamic Centre of Kingston
Islamic Centre of Markham
Islamic Centre of Northern Ontario
Islamic Centre of Quebec
Islamic Centre of South Calgary
Islamic Centre of Southwest Ontario
Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) Canada | Winnipeg Chapter
Islamic Community Center – Brossard
Islamic Community Centre of Milton
Islamic Community Centre of Ontario
Islamic Community of Oakville
Islamic Foundation of Toronto
Islamic Information &Dawah Centre International
Islamic Information Society of Calgary
Islamic Institute of Toronto
Islamic Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat of Toronto
Islamic Shia Ithna-Asheri Association of Edmonton
Islamic society of Ajax
Islamic Society of Cumberland
Islamic society of Markham
Islamic Society of Niagara Peninsula
Islamic Society of North America
Islamic Society of Peel
Islamic Society of Richmond Hill
Islamic Society of St. Catharines
Islamic Society of Toronto
Islamic Society of Vaughan
Islamic Society of York Region
Islamic Supreme Council of Canada
Ismaili Jamatkhana

ITRUST Community Center
Izzah Learning Center
Jaamiah Abrarul-Haq
Jaffari Village Mosque
Jame Abu Bakr Siddique
Jame Masjid Mississauga
Jami Omar
Jamia Islamia
Jamia Masjid Ali-ul-Murtaza
Jamia Masjid Aulia Allah
Jamia Masjid Ghosul Azam
Jamia Masjid Gunbad-e-Khizra (Green Dome)
Jamia Masjid Noor-e-Madinah (Montreal)
Jamia Masjid Sayyidah Zainab
Jamia Riyadhul Jannah Airdrie
Jamia Riyadhul Jannah Edmonton
Jamia Riyadhul Jannah Maple Ridge
Jamia Riyadhul Jannah Masjid
Jamia Riyadhul Jannah Mississauga
Jamia Riyadhul Jannah Saskatoon
Jamiat Ul Ansar of Brampton
Jerrahi Sufi Order of Canada
Jerusalem Community Services of Ontario JCSO
Justice For All Canada
Kamloops Islamic Association
Kanata Muslim Association
Kawartha Muslim Religious Association
Kelowna Islamic Center
Khadijah Masjid
Khaled ibn Walid – Laval
Khalid Bin Al-Walid Mosque
Khawaja Nisar
Khayr Project Canada
Kitchener-Conestoga for Palestine
Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s Muslim Student Association
Labour for Palestine Winnipeg
Langley Islamic Centre
Leduc Islamic Center
Lethbridge Muslim Association
Life from Water
Light of Mercy
London Muslim Mosque
Madinah Masjid – Jamiat Ul Muslemin
Madjid Al Ansar
Majid Al Salaam
Makkah Masjid
Malton Islamic Center
Malton Masjid
Manitoba Islamic Assocation
Manitoba Peace Council
Maraz ul Islam
Marchant foundation
Markaz ul Islam Society of Edmonton
Markazul Islam Fort McMurray
Masjid Abu Bakr Al Siddique
Masjid Aisha – Niagara Falls
Masjid Al Abedeen Islamic Research Center of Canada
Masjid Al Ber
Masjid Al Farooq
Masjid Al Hidaya Toronto
Masjid al Kuwaiti
Masjid Al Rahma
Masjid Al Salam
Masjid al-Farooq Islamic Centre
Masjid Al-Ghafoor
Masjid Al-Iman
Masjid AlNoor
Masjid alrahmah
Masjid Annoor
Masjid Ansar
Masjid Aqsa Brampton
Masjid Aulia Allah
Masjid Bilal
Masjid Bilal Muslim Association
Masjid e Aqsa
Masjid e Ayesha Whitby
Masjid Farooq
Masjid Jannah
Masjid Lindsay
Masjid Omar bin Khattab
Masjid Omar Elfarouq
Masjid Quba
Masjid Ul Taqwa
Masjid Yusuf
Masjid Zakariya
Masumeen Islamic Centre
McMaster Muslim Students’ Association
Meadowvale Islamic Center
Medina Masjid
Mesjid al sabur
Mishka Social Services
Mission Islamic Center Society
Moncton Muslim Association
Mosquée Al Ansar
Mosquée al-Forqan
Mosquée Chateauguay
Mosquée de Châteauguay
Mosquée Imam Warch
Mosquée NDG
Mosquee Tawuba
Mountain Mosque Hamilton
MSA at Mount Royal University
MSA Concordia
Muslim Association of Brantford
Muslim Association of Hamilton
Muslim association of Milton
Muslim Association of Newfoundland and Labrador / Masjid Al Noor
Muslim Association of Woodstock
Muslim Community of Edmonton (MCE) Mosque
Muslim Community of Quebec(MCQ)
Muslim Council of Calgary
Muslim Council of Greater Hamilton
Muslim Educators Network of Ontario
Muslim Family and Child Services of Ontario
Muslim Law Students’ Association – University of Alberta, Faculty of Law
Muslim Neighbor Nexus ( MNN)
Muslim Ontario Dentists
Muslim Society of Prince Edward Island/Masjid Dar as-Salam
Muslim Students Association – Bishop’s University
Muslim Students’ Association at the University of Calgary
Muslim Students’ Association of the University of British Columbia (MSA UBC)
Muslim Students’ Association, University of Toronto St. George
Muslim Welfare Canada
Muslim Wellness Network
Muslim Women of Brant
Muslim Women of Durham Region
Muslims of Shelburne Centre Masjid
Newmarket Islamic Center
Niagara Palestine Coalition
Nisa Foundation
Nisa Homes
North Bay Masjid
North London Islamic Centre
North Shore 4 Palestine
Northern Muslim Association
Nova Scotia Islamic Community Center
Oakville Masjid
Olive Branch
One Love Media
One sisterhood
Orangeville Musalla
Ottawa Muslim Association
Ottawa Muslim Dentist Group
Ottawa South Muslim Community Centre
Owen Sound Muslim Association
Pakistan Canada Association Of Edmonton
Palestine Advocacy Club – SAIT
Palestine Advocacy Club – University of Calgary
Palestine House-Toronto
Palestinian Canadian Congress
Palestinian House Association (PHA)
Peace Mosque
Peaceful crescent advocacy group
Pembina Parish United Church Leadership Team
Pembroke islamic center
Pickering Islamic Centre
Pickering Palestinian Association
RAHMA Foundation
Rahma Mosque
Rahmat Centre
Razavi Community Centre
Risalah Foundation
Rohingya Association of Canada
Ruh Care
Sabeel Muslim Youth and Community Center
Sahaba Mosque
Salaheddin Islamic Center
Salam Masjid
SALAM Project
Sarnia Cobden Masjid
Sarnia Muslim Association
Sayyidah Aisha Masjid – St Catharines
Sayyidah Aminah Islamic Center
Sayyidah Zainab Muslim Community Centre
Scarborough Muslim Cultural Centre
Simon Fraser University Muslim Students Association
Sisterhood Softball League
SNMC Mosque
Southwest masjid
Southwest Muslim Community Centre
Spiritual Society Mosque
Stittsville muslims association
Subhan Islamic Association
Sunnah Mosque
Sunnat ul Jamat
Syedah Khadijah Center
Syyadina Omar Farooq Scarborough
Taaseen Musalla
Taha Musala
Tahfeezul Qur’an
Talim-ul-Islam Ontario
Tamil Nadu Multicultural Association of Canada
Tarbiyah Elementary school
Tarbiyah Learning Academy
Tearfund Canada
Thaqalayn Muslim Association Concordia
The Council of Islamic Guidance
The Message of Islam Foundation
The Palestinian Advocacy Club at the University of Calgary
The Unity Mosque
Think for Actions
Thunder Bay Masjid
Timmins Islamic Centre
Toronto Islamic Center and Community Services
Trinity-St.Pauls United Church
Umar Masjid
Umma Masjid – Ottawa
Ummah Foundation of Durham
Ummah masjid
United Muslim Organizations of Ottawa-Gatineau
United Network for Justice and Peace in Palestine and Israel
University of Alberta Muslim Students’ Association
University of Manitoba MSA
University of Ottawa Muslim Student Association
University of Prince Edward Island Muslim Student Association
Vernon Mosque & Islamic Centre
West end Islamic center
West End Musalla
West Hill United Church
Whistler and Pemberton (Sea to Sky)
Whitby Masjid
White Rock Masjid
Whiterock Muslim Association
Windsor Dominion Mosque
Windsor Islamic Association
Windsor Mosque
Winnipeg Central Mosque
Women Empowerment Society
Yaseen Musallah
York Region Muslims
York University Muslim Students’ Association
Zainabiya Islamic Centre