Concerns Raised to Accreditation Committee After Whistle-blowing Students at MUN Face Consequences

Students at MUN Medical School Face Potential Disciplinary Sanction After Reporting a Classmate for Alleged Islamophobic Statements

OTTAWA (May 20, 2021) – The National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM), alongside Canadian Women in Medicine (CWIM), issued a letter to the Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools, as well as to the Association of Faculties of Medicine, The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Newfoundland and Labrador, and the College of Family Physician of Canada today.
The letter asked for what the procedures of the accreditation committee are in relation to the circumstance currently taking place at MUN. Disciplinary action is being brought against medical students at the Faculty of Medicine at the Memorial University of Newfoundland (“MUN”). These concerns relate to the fact that an investigation (with the potential for disciplinary action) has allegedly been brought against students at MUN. These students had allegedly brought to light offensive statements made by resident physician, Dr. Zachary Kuehner on social media.
« Such a policy of targeting students who raise concerns around harassment, violence, or racist conduct could create a chilling effect, where students, physicians, and other staff are taught to be afraid, and where raising concerns could result in significant professional repercussions, » said Dr. Nadia Hasan, COO of NCCM, « Our letter today responds to students facing disciplinary action”.