Green Square Campaign – Choiceboard for Educators





As you watch one of the videos, use the prompts to guide your reflections and conversations.  


  • Why do you think it was important for the Prime Minister to nationally recognize what happened on Jan 29th, 2017?  
  • What are some ways we can recognize the National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec Mosque attack and Action against Islamophobia in our school/classroom?   
  • Why is it important to stand up against hate and bullying? 
  • What are some ways to make everyone feel welcome at school?  


  • Why do you think it was important to designate Jan 29th the National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec City Mosque attack and day of action against islamophobia?   
  • What are some ways we can honour the victims of the Mosque attack and challenge discrimination and hate?
  • Are symbolic gestures important? How do they relate to taking action on Islamophobia?  
  • Since the Quebec Mosque Attack, we have seen the IMO mosque murder and the London Terrorist Attack. Review the NCCM Policy Recommendations for the National Summit on Islamophobia that took place in July 2021. Pick 3 recommendations that you think are the most important to challenge Islamophobia and hate in Canada. Share why you chose these specific recommendations and what impact they will have if implemented.
  • Since the Quebec City Mosque Attack, we continue to recognize the ways systemic and everyday forms of Islamophobia continue to impact Muslim communities in Canada. Its clear words simply aren’t enough. What tangible steps would you like to see your municipal, provincial and federal government take to end Islamophobia and hate this year?