The Gaza Strip is falling into a complete humanitarian disaster due to the invasion by the military forces of Israel, along with non-stop aerial bombardment.
Over 17,000 people have been killed in Gaza, including children. Disease is rampant, food and water is scarce, hospitals have been reduced to rubble, and over a million Palestinians have been displaced from their homes in just over two months.
It is time for this bloodshed to come to an end. It is time for Canada to stand for a permanent ceasefire and to make such a call on the world stage.
This is why you must vote for an immediate ceasefire at the United Nations General Assembly today.
To be clear, Canada is already far too late on this call. But this to us is a bare minimum step that must also be accompanied by further action.
The world is watching. Canada must finally move from its current position and stand on the right side of history.
This is a question of moral clarity. Do we support a war going on where more and more children will be slaughtered, or are we on the side of peace?
Our communities – represented by over 300 leading Muslim organizations from coast to coast as signatories to this list – will not forget the answer to this question.
We must be on the side of innocent civilians. On the side of a just peace.
1. National Council of Canadian Muslims
2. Abu Bakr Islamic Centre
3. Abu Huraira Islamic Center
4. Action For Humanity
5. Afghan Community for Waterloo Region
6. Ahl-Ill Bait Islamic Organization
7. Aisha Masjid
8. Ajr Canada
9. AJR Islamic Foundation
10. Ajyal Islamic Center
11. Akram Jummah
12. Al Abbas Musalla
13. Al Arqam Islamic Centre
14. Al Falah Mosque
15. Al Falah mosque, Saint Hubert Quebec Canada
16. Al Hidaya Masjid Coquitlam
17. Al Huda Community Center
18. Al Huda Institute Canada
19. Al Huda Musallah
20. Al Kawther Association
21. Al Mustafa Academy & Humanitarian Society
22. Al Nadwa Mosque
23. Al Rashid Mosque
24. Al Rayan Islamic Center – Courtice masjid
25. Al-Arqam Islamic Centre
26. Al-Huda Muslim Society
27. Al-Iman Islamic Centre
28. Al-Jeeran
29. Al-Madinah Center
30. Al-Wilayat center
31. Alfalah Center
32. Alflah Islamic centre
33. Alhedaya islamic center
34. Alhuda
35. Alihsane
36. Alliance of Educators for Muslim Students (AEMS)
37. AlMadinah Center
38. Altaqwa Academy Foundation
39. AMA
40. Anatolia Masjid
41. Andalous Mosque
42. Anjuman-E Anwarul Islam of Malton (Malton Masjid)
43. Ansaar Foundation
44. Ar Rahman Islamic Center
45. Ar Rahman Islamic Organization
46. Ar-Rahman Projects
47. Ar-Rashaad Centre
48. Arab Palestine Association of Ontario
49. Arbequina Restaurant inc
50. ARK Centre of Excellence
51. Assalaam institute of Quraan
52. Association Bel Agir
53. Association des étudiants musulmans de l’Université de Montréal
54. Association des musulmans et musulmanes de l’université de Sherbrooke (AMUS)
55. Association of Perl & Halton
56. Ayesha Masjid
57. Aylmer Mosque
58. Az Zahraa Islamic Center
59. Aza e Hussain Association of British Columbia
60. B.C.Muslim Association
61. Bait ul Mukarram Islamic Society
62. Baitul Aman mosque
63. Baitul Hamd Masjid
64. Barrie mosque / Noor ul Islam
65. Bramalea Islamic Cultural Centre
66. Brantford Mosque
67. Brotherhood Sports Leagues
68. Calgary without Patriarchy: artists’ collective
69. Camrose mosque
70. Canadian Council of Imams
71. Canadian Council of Indian Muslims
72. Canadian Council of Muslim Women
73. Canadian Federation of Students
74. Canadian Muslim Counselling
75. Canadian Muslim Public Affairs Council
76. Canadian Muslim Research Think Tank
77. Canadian Muslims for Peace and Justice
78. Canadian Palestinian Social Association of London
79. Canadians for Indian Democracy
80. Cape Breton Muslim Student Association
81. Carleton University Muslim Students Association
82. Central Islamic Council of Guyana CIOG
83. Centre Culturel Islamique de Roussillon (CCIR)
84. Centre Culturel Islamique de Sherbrooke
85. Centre for Islamic Development
86. Council of Agencies Serving South Asians
87. CYD -Canadian Youth Development Center
88. Dalhousie Muslim Students’ Association
89. Danforth Community Center o/a Baitul Aman Masjid
90. Danforth Islamic Centre
91. Dar Al-Sunnah
92. Dar Al-Tawheed Islamic Centre
93. Darman Foundation
94. Darul Khair Center Stouffville
95. Darussalam
96. DawaNet
97. Deaf Muslims of Canada
98. Downtown Muslim Professional Network
99. Durham Islamic Center
100. Durham Muslim Alliance
101. Enlightened path institute
102. Eslah Islamic Association
103. Fleetwood Islamic Academy Society
104. Framework HM
105. Friends of Palestine Canada
106. Galt Islamic Centre
107. George Town – Masjid Uthman
108. Gibraltar Leadership Academy
109. Gilbert Centre
110. Groupe « Musulmans de Sherbrooke »
111. Groupe «Mamans des petits musulmans de Sherbrooke »
112. Guildford Islamic Cultural Center
113. Halton Islamic Association
114. Hamilton Downtown Mosque
115. Hamilton Mountain Mosque
116. Haycal Yusuf
117. Hespeler Masjid
118. Hikma Public Affairs Council
119. HILM
120. Hope Through Clothes Canada
121. Human Concern International
122. Humanity for Peace
123. Hussaini Calgary
124. Hussaini Canadian Education and Cultural Association
125. Huttonville mosque Brampton
126. Hyatt Mosque and Centre
127. I3 Institute
128. Ibrahim jame mosque
129. ICC Brossard
130. ICNA Canada
131. ICNA Edmonton Chapter
132. ICNA Relief Canada
133. ICNA Sisters Canada
134. ICNA Sisters Edmonton
135. ICQ
136. IISC
137. IMA
138. Imam Hussain Foundation Windsor
139. Imdad ul Islam
141. Independent Jewish Voices Calgary
142. Intercultural Women Support Group Calgary
143. International Development and Relief Foundation
144. International Muslims Organization
145. Iqra Masjid
146. ISIJ of Toronto
147. Islamic Association of Nobva Scotia
148. Islamic Association of NW Calgary
149. Islamic Association of Saskatchewan
150. Islamic Association of Saskatchewan, Regina
151. Islamic Center of Durham region
152. Islamic Center Of Markham
153. Islamic Center of Northern Ontario
154. Islamic Center of Quebec
155. Islamic Centre of Cambridge
156. Islamic Centre of Oshawa
157. Islamic Centre of Southwest Ontario
158. Islamic Centre Red deer
159. Islamic Community Centre of Milton (ICCM)
160. Islamic Community of Oakville
161. Islamic Foundation of Toronto
162. Islamic Institute of Toronto
163. Islamic Relief Canada
164. Islamic Shia Ithna-Asheri Association of Edmonton
165. Islamic Society of Ajax
166. Islamic Society of Kingston
167. Islamic Society of Markham
168. Islamic Society of Niagara Peninsula
169. Islamic society of Regina
170. Islamic Society of Toronto
171. Islamic Society of Vaughan
172. Islamic Special Services Association
173. ISNA
174. ITRUST Pickering West Musalla
175. Izzah Learning Center
176. Jaame Mosque
177. Jama Masjid – Islamic Propagation Center of Ontario
178. Jame masjid
179. Jame Masjid Mississauga
180. Jami Omar
181. Jamia Islamia Canada
182. Jamiah Qasimul Uloom
183. Jamiat Ul Ansar
184. Jerrahi Sufi Order of Canada
185. Jerusalem Community Services JCSO
186. JRJ Masjid
187. Justice for all Canada JFAC
188. Justice for Palestinians Calgary
189. Kamloops Islamic Association
190. Kanata Muslim Association
191. Khadijah Masjid
192. Khalid Bin Al-Walid mosque
193. Khayr Project Canada
194. Kitchener Mosque
195. KMA
196. Langley Islamic Centre
197. Leadnow
198. Lethbridge Muslim Association
199. Life from Water Canada
200. London Muslim Mosque
201. Madinah Masjid – Jamiat Ul Muslemin
202. Madinatul Uloom Academy
203. Madni Masjid
204. Makkah Masjid
205. Malton Masjid
206. Mandela Legacy
207. Manhal ul Eman Academy
208. Manitoba Islamic Association
209. Markaz ul Islam
210. Markham & Lawrence Community United
211. Masjd Huzaifa
212. Masjid Al Abedeen Islamic Research Center of Canada
213. Masjid Al Emaan
214. Masjid Al Falah
215. Masjid Al Hidaya Toronto
216. Masjid Al Jannah
217. Masjid Al Rayyan
218. Masjid Al Salam
219. Masjid al-Farooq Islamic Centre
220. Masjid An-Nour CCIS
221. Masjid ar-Rahmah
222. Masjid As-Salam
223. Masjid Bilal
224. Masjid Daru-slam
225. Masjid Darul Iman
226. Masjid El Noor
227. Masjid ICC
228. Masjid Imam Warch
229. Masjid in the Park
230. Masjid Makkah Al Mukarramah
231. Masjid Omar Farooq
232. Masjid Quba
233. Masjid Rahmatul-lil-Alameenصلى الله عليه وسلم
234. Masjid Rehman
235. Masjid Ul Taqwa
236. Masjid ur Rahmah
237. Masjid Usman
238. Masjid Yusuf
239. Masjidul Haqq
240. Masumeen Islamic centre
241. Mathabah Institute
242. MAX – Muslims Achieving Excellence
243. Meadowvale Islamic Center
244. Mihrab Mentorship
245. Milton Youth Recreation Centre
246. MomLinks Canada (MLC)
247. Moncton Muslim Association
248. Mosquée Al-Forqane – Laval
249. Mount Royal University Student’s for Palestine
251. MSA UCalgary
252. Muslim Assoc. Of Brantford (Brantford Mosque)
253. Muslim Association of New Brunswick
254. Muslim Association of Saskatchewan
255. Muslim Association of Woodstock Ontario
256. Muslim Community of Edmonton (MCE) Mosque
257. Muslim Educators Network of Ontario (MENO)
258. Muslim Employees Association of Peel
259. Muslim Neighbour Nexus
260. Muslim Seniors Foundation
261. Muslim Society of Waterloo and Wellington Counties
262. Muslim Student Association of Concordia University
263. Muslim Students Association at Bishop’s University
264. Muslim Students’ Association at McGill University
265. Muslim Students’ Association at Western University
266. Muslim Wellness Network
267. Muslim Women of Brant
268. Muslim Women of Durham Region
269. Muslim Youth for Justice
270. Muslims of Dufferin
271. Muslims Seniors Care Services
272. MYRec Centre
273. Nadwa Islamic Center
274. National Zakat Foundation
275. Newmarket Islamic Centre
276. Niagara Islamic School
277. Nigerian Canadian Muslims Edmonton Association (NCMEA)
278. Nisa Homes
279. Nova Scotia Islamic Community Center
280. Oakville Masjid
281. Olive Branch
282. Olive Seed Academy
283. Onebrotherhood Poverty and Relief Program
284. Oshawa Mosque
285. Ottawa Muslim Organization
286. Our Golden Age
287. Palestine House – Toronto
288. Palestinian Assoc of Brantford
289. Palestinian Employees for Advocacy and Culture Education
290. Paramount Fine Foods
291. Partners for Humanity
292. Peaceful Crescent Advocacy Group
293. Peel Islamic Cultural Center
294. Pickering Islamic Centre
295. Pickering Palestinian Association
296. Quba masjid
297. Queen’s University MSA
298. Rahma Foundation
299. Regina Dawah Association
300. Regroupement des citoyens de Sherbrooke pour un monde meilleur
301. Relieve Humanity International
302. Risalah Foundation
303. Rohingya Association of Canada
304. Sabeel Muslim Youth and Community Centre
305. SacredHand Canada SHC
306. Safa and Marwa Islamic School
307. Saint Marys University Muslim Student Society
308. SALAM Project
309. Sarnia Muslim Association
310. Sayeda Khadija Centre
311. Sayyidah Zainab Muslim Community Centre
312. Scarborough Muslim Association
313. Scarborough Muslim Cultural Centre
314. Sea to sky muslim association
315. Shiane Haidery Islamic Association Inc
316. Simcoe County 4 Palestine
317. Simon Fraser University Muslim Student Association
318. Sister Sabria Foundation
319. Sisterhood Softball League
320. SMILE Canada – Support Services
321. SNMC
322. Société islamique canadienne
323. Southwest Muslim Community Centre
324. St. Thomas Islamic Association
325. Subhan Masjid
326. Surrey Jammi
327. Syyadina Omar Farooq Scarborough
328. Tarbiyah Learning Academy
329. Tawheed Community Centre
330. Thaqalayn Muslim Association – University of Waterloo
331. The Canadian-Muslim Vote
332. The Message of Islam Foundation
333. The Salaam Cup
334. Third Pillar
335. TMA UTM
336. Toronto Islamic Center and Community Services
337. Toronto’s Link Up
338. Ummah Society
339. United Muslims of Halifax Society
340. University of Ottawa Muslim Student Association
341. University of Regina Muslim Student Association
342. University of Sherbrooke
343. Universtity of Toronto Scarborough Muslim’s Student Association
344. Verdun Islamic Centre
345. West End Islamic Center
346. Whiterock Musallah
347. Windsor Islamic Association
348. Winnipeg Central Mosque
349. World Islamic Mission
350. York Region Muslims
351. York Stouffville
352. Young Muslim Sisters
353. Youth Coalition Combating Islamophobia